Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thoughtful Tuesday

Haven't written a blog in a few weeks. I've been really busy with the new job and everything. My mind is overloaded and it doesn't take much to overload my mind.....:)

Anyway, just wanted to put a blog out here again to let everyone know I'm still here....I'm waiting
for some inspiration to write a really good blog but since I don't have any right now I think I'll just post some more pics! Enjoy! These are more pics from my cruise to Alaska. Did I really go? Sometimes it seems like it was a dream.

Next trip? COLORADO!!!! I'm ready to see it again!!! Love COLORADO!!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Well, I'm off to work again. It's friday, Thank God! I'm so glad.

Just an observation....I am very thankful that I have a job again. The only thing I don't like is that a lot of the freedom I had the last 8 months is gone now. I will miss that but I won't miss the not having any money....:)

Thought for the day....God is GOOD!!! Brilliant thought, huh? I'm such an exciting person....:) Wish I had a lot of things to write today but I don't have time. Gotta get out the door and start my 45 minute drive to work....Anyone know of any way I can make good money and not have to travel to work? A good legitimate work from home business that doesn't take ANY out of pocket cost to start? Does that job even exist? Or anybody know of a rich man I could marry? J/K on that one... but I'm serious about the work from home jobs thing.... Any suggestions, make a comment here and let me know...

Everyone have a great day! :) Love you all,

Friday, September 11, 2009


Carol from My World is hosting a giveaway for a 24x24 wall graphic!She is hosting this giveaway for Large Format Poster.com. If I won I would put up a picture of my trip to Alaska this summer.
Visit her blog about all the details on how to enter and hurry cause a winner will be announced on Sunday!



Well, after about 8 months I have found a job! Thank you, Lord. It's a temp job until the end of the year but you just never know. It might go further.

I'm in training for two weeks which is a little boring but I would much rather have a lot of training than being just thrown out onto the floor, if you know what I mean. I'll be working in a call center taking benefits open enrollment calls. I'm just glad to have a job.

It's about 6:15 right now and I have to leave soon so this blog won't be long at all....finally, a short blog from me...! It's raining outside so I know traffic is going to be bad so I have to go in a few minutes. I have a 45 minute drive but I've been REALLY early every day this week. I think I'll still make it on time.

Well, just wanted to put this out here that I found a job! Yay!

Love you guys, that is, if any of you are reading this blog.

Love ya,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Skagway, Tracy Arm fjord, Victoria, Canada

So tonight I thought I would finish the blogging on my trip to Alaska. Here we go....

Skagway, Monday - 8-11-09

Beautiful little western style town. I believe it was the town where the Gold Rush started in the 1800's. When we got off the ship we walked into the town. It was about a 1/2 mile walk. The town looks like an old western town but it has a lot of tourist shops. We walked around a little bit and then took a bus to the summit and into the border of Canada. The people in Alaska are very friendly. Our bus driver was very informative. On the way to the summit he talked about Alaska and about Skagway. The following pics are of Skagway, the summit and right past the border of Canada. Enjoy!

Us at the Summit close to the Canadian Border

This is the road going
further into Canada. I wanted to go there but this is where we turned around and went back to Skagway.

Tracy Arm fjord - Tuesday - 8-12-09

What can I say? Absolutely beautiful! This is not a place where you can get off the ship but a place to view the Sawyer Glacier. When I went to the top deck the scene was breathtaking. And something I noticed, it was so QUIET! You would see birds every once in a while and my brother Nate was able to snap a pic of some seals hanging out on an iceberg. The following pics are of Tracy Arm. They can never express exactly how beautiful it was but it will give you an idea.

Seals on the icebergs - Nate took this one!

This is the Sawyer Glacier.
What an awesome display o
f God's creation!

Victoria, Canada - Thursday - 8-13-09

After Tracy Arm, we had another night and day at sea before docking in Victoria. Tuesday night was another formal night on board. Then, we docked at Victoria. This was another bittersweet visit for our family because the last time we were here in 2002 Dad was with us. So, we took a walk around the town and also walked to the hotel we stayed at the last time we were here. Some of the following pics are of that hotel. Victoria is a very beautiful town. The Parliament of British Columbia is located here and we got to tour that building. Beautiful. So, these pics are of Victoria.

When we got back on the ship from walking around Victoria we went to dinner. While eating, the ship completely stopped so of course we were wondering why. We never really found out but we thought that since Seattle was only a little distance away from Victoria, the ship just drifted all night until we got to the Seattle port. Victoria was our last port of call before going back to Seattle.

The trip was a beautiful experience but you know how it is....I was ready to start coming back home! I'll never forget this trip and I do plan on going back to Alaska! So now it's back to the old grind. I finally got a job offer so in September it's back to the workforce! But that's okay. God is good and I'm glad I will have a job now since I've been unemployed since January. I'm grateful.

The flowers in Victoria are beautiful and mom just loves them. Had to get a pic with her beside some of them.

This is us in front of the hotel we stayed at in 2002.

I hope you enjoy all these pics and I hope you enjoyed the blog about my trip.....until next time, when I have something else to say....:)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Juneau, Alaska - August 10, 2009

So, continuing my journey in Alaska: on friday August 8, 2009, we got on the Rhapsody of the Seas and departed Seattle. The boat departed around 4:30 friday afternoon and we wouldn't arrive in Juneau until Sunday morning. So, we were out on the open seas all night friday and all day Saturday. Saturday night was our first formal night so we got all dressed up for dinner. However, the seas had been a little rough all day and I was getting a little queasy. I went up to Deck 4 to take pics of all of us, then I went back to my stateroom and didn't make dinner that night. The boat was rocking and rolling, man, but after a little while I was okay.

When you board the ship you go to your stateroom or you can go up to Deck 9 for the buffet. Guess what we did? We found our stateroom and then booked it to Deck 9 for buffet! We were ready to get started on our foodfest.... We actually got on the boat around 12:00 so we had plenty of time before dinner at 6:00. At dinner, since our party was of 7 people, we were sitting with 3 people we didn't know. But, that was okay, because we got to know them. Three ladies that were very nice. Two teachers and one lady that works at a juvenile detention center. We met Rhonda, a teacher from Tennessee, Karen, the juvenile detention worker from Virginia, and Crystal, a teacher. They were all friends travelling together. Very nice people. It was fun to get to know them. Karen and Rhonda were going back to their homes in Virginia and Tennessee but Crystal was going to a remote village in Alaska to teach after the cruise. This cruise, we met a lot of people from all over the world. We even sat with a family at breakfast one day from South Africa. When I heard their accents I thought they were going to be from England but surprisingly they were from South Africa. Cruises are so much fun..you get to meet a lot of people.

After dinner we attended the Broadway Melodies theatre and saw the show. The first night was a comedian. Sorry, I forgot his name. He was really funny. These shows are usually along the lines of a Broadway (hence the name Broadway Melodies) show and they are entertaining. One night we were extremely surprised when they had the original Drifters on board. What a show that was! They were very entertaining. If you don't know who the Drifters are they are a Du-wop group from the 50's. I loved it!

On Sunday we arrived in Juneau, Alaska. Things I didn't know about Juneau: It is the capital city of Alaska. for some reason, I thought Anchorage was the capital city. So, guess what, the governor's mansion is in this city. I was hoping to see Sarah Palin but alas, she wasn't there. Also, you cannot get to Juneau by road. You have to get there by boat or plane.

What a pretty town Juneau is. Me, Tim, Nate and Stephanie took a bus to the summit in Juneau and saw the Mendenhall Glacier. What a beautiful place! Amazing! On the trail to the glacier we saw a bear in a tree. I took a picture but you can't really tell what it is so I won't post that one. The glacier was magnificent. When a piece of the ice falls off you can tell because the ice will be a little more blue where it fell off. Something about Alaska I noticed is all the waterfalls. These are waterfalls that come off the glaciers. Absolutely beautiful! My pics and my words can never express how beautiful this place is. And, just think, God created all this...

This past Sunday the Adult Ensemble group sang a song called, "How Great You Are". It really made me think about all the beautiful things I saw in Alaska. God is awesome that He created such a beautiful place.

How Great You Are
How Small I am
How awesome is your mighty hand
And I am captured by the wonder of it all
And I will offer all my praise
With all my heart for all my days
How Great You are, How Great You are, How Great You are

So, until next time, more about the trip....Next stop, Skagway, Alaska.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Alaskan Cruise - August 7-14, 2009

Well, it's almost 10:00 p.m. on Saturday night and I'm going to attempt to blog a little bit about my week in Alaska!

Let me tell you that if you ever get a chance to go on an Alaskan cruise....GO! My words and the pics I took cannot even give it justice!

I took this trip with my mom, my brothers Tim and Nate, and my aunt and uncle Don and Ellen. When we arrived in Seattle we went straight to the hotel. Then, we took the shuttle van to downtown Seattle and Pike's Market. This trip was a journey back in time for us as well as a new adventure to Alaska. In 2002, this same group (except my sister was with us at that time. She couldn't go this time since her and David moved into their new house) went on a long driving journey to Victoria, Canada. My dad was with us also then but we lost him in 2004 to cancer. Being in Seattle this time was bittersweet. Arriving at Pike's Market, we took a pic in the same spot where we took it in 2002 (the first pic on this blog). Wish Dad could have been with us. I miss you still, Dad. I always will!
Seattle is a very pretty city. I should know. I think we walked all over downtown and finally decided after Chinatown to call it a day. I was TIRED by the time we got back to the hotel. I enjoyed going to the market, though. We ate at the Waterfront and I had the chowder in a bread bowl. Very good.

My impression of Seattle? A very busy city and it sort of reminds me of San francisco. You would definitely think that when you walk around the city. Very UPHILL at times! :) I would say it is entertaining to go to Pikes' Market. You just never know what you may see. Several people on the streets there playing guitars and singing. If you take their picture, they want you to donate to their talent. So, guess what, I only took the pic you see here. This guy was far enough away that he had no idea I was taking his pic. No offense, but, guess what, I don't have much money either so I really couldn't contribute to their lifestyles. That's another subject for another day...:)

So, we arrived in Seattle the day before our cruise began so we did get the ultimate tour of the city. Very interesting and tiring day but I loved it. Loved being with my family in this city and exploring all it had to offer. Well, maybe not ALL, know what I mean, but we did see a lot of it....:)

Until next time, more to come about my trip....:)


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cruise 2009 - Alaska! Yay!

Well, I'm on the open seas on my way to Juneau, Alaska! I'm on the Rhapsody of the Seas with Royal Caribbean. Outside it's cold and cloudy but it is beautiful! Can't wait to get to Juneau.

The flight to Seattle was uneventful but a little bumpy. We arrived safely thank God. Yesterday was taken up with the muster drill which everybody has to do. And then after that we went to dinner where I had caeser salad, sirloin steak, and a chocolate cherry cake. It was so good! This morning I just ate breakfast and the day will be spent in and around the ship just hanging out. We won't be in Juneau until tomorrow. And, when we hit Juneau, I will be taking a LOT of pics! When I get back I will post those pics! I'm on the ships internet and I'm going to try to blog two or three more times but they wont' be very long. This costs 0.55 a minute! Anyway, just wanted to keep everybody up to date with my trip and of course, when I get back I will post more stuff!

So, until next time, take care,

Friday, July 31, 2009

Awesome Creator

This is a blog I put on our church ladies blog page. Just wanted to add it here, too. Check out the ladies blog page at www.honorablevessel.blogspot.com.

Good morning,everyone. I almost forgot it was my turn to blog today... :)

Here's my thought.. God is an awesome Creator. Yesterday, my mom and I were sitting in the drive-thru at Jack in the Box (don't worry, we only got 2 diet Cokes) on our way to Mason's birthday party. As we sat there, I noticed a little bird sitting on a fence. He was just looking around, you know, like birds do and I just starting thinking about what an awesome little creature he is. No, he wasn't a beautiful bird. Just one of those black birds we see around here all the time. But still, God created him and he is an awesome creature. I thought about how God created the mountains in all their majesty, the oceans in all their vastness, and then He creates this little bird that is so small and fragile. And, I thought what an awesome God He is!

Then, a scripture came to mind about how He even knows when the sparrow falls.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father."
"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
"fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:29-31)

So, if He even knows when a sparrow falls He knows what we need and thinks a LOT more of us than a sparrow. Isn't that an awesome thought?

As we watched the bird, it looked like he was just looking around at his kingdom. It was like he was thinking, this is my world and I'm just observing it from this fence and all you people are so stressed out about everything but I have no worries. I'm just a bird but my Creator is awesome and He takes care of me so guess what, people, He can take care of your needs, too. (of course, I really doubt that's what he was thinking, since birds have no reasoning powers like humans, but I was thinking with my imagination...scary, huh?)

In Matthew 6:25-26 Jesus says, "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"
Behold the fowls of the air; for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

So, whatever we're going through this week or the weeks ahead we can be reminded that God has it in control. If He can create the mountains then create a little bird then it's nothing to take care of us. He is an awesome God!

Hope this makes sense. This is my last blog for this month. Hopefully, I will get to blog again. I enjoy doing this!!! :) Love you guys!

Until next time,
Kimmie K.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Okay, so I've been unemployed since January. It is now July and no definite prospects on a new job. I have applied and applied online through Careerbuilder.com, Monster.com, Craigslist.....where to go next? I've applied at the temp agencies, too. Let's see, Kelly, Manpower, Cornerstone....

It's frustrating so I just felt like blogging about it today. I know there are a lot of people in my same predicament, too, so believe me, I'm not having a pity party. Or am I? I don't know. I don't want to complain and I'm not because since January all my needs have been met. God is still good! So far, I've been able to pay my bills and my needs have been supplied.

And, some are going to think I'm crazy but I have a cruise to Alaska coming up in August! This trip has been paid for already so I don't feel too bad going. That's only about 2 weeks or so away so you know I'm excited! I'll say hello to Sarah Palin for everybody if I happen to see her! :)

Back to the subject, I have the trip to look forward to but when I get back I'll still be unemployed. I have never been in this situation before in my life and I'm ready to get back in the workforce. Will I ever find another job? This economy is so bad and there are thousands of us out there looking so it's kind of scary! I HAVE to find another job. I'm single and have no one to fall back on who makes money, too. You know, like a husband, know what I mean...?

So, in my frustrations I wonder if God is leading me in another direction. Will I ever work for Corporate America again or is God leading me into another field? I have no idea. Since I've been off I started teaching piano to some kids in the church and I have enjoyed it. I've also been working and doing a lot for the church (I'm the secretary) and helping keep my nephew Daniel. I have enjoyed all the freedom I've had but I'm really ready to work again. How do you know God's will? The only thing I know to do is to continue to look for work and pray that a good job comes along soon. So, Lord, I'm waiting to see where you lead me....:)

To everyone who is in the same place as me, we just have to hold on and know that God is in control! We need to pray for this economy that it will turn around soon. If you have a job, or your husband has a job, etc., be thankful! and pray for the rest of us! You never know when it may be you!

Love you all,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

weight loss

My brother has challenged me to lose weight. Every 10 pounds he is going to give me $50.00. Now, who can pass that up? I'm not going to...:)

So, I'm on my way...I lost 4 1/2 pounds this week and I was even sick on Monday! That's probably why I lost so much but hey, 4 1/2 pounds is 4 1/2 pounds, right? I only have six more to go to get the
first $50.00! I've decided I will post as much about this journey as I can. Right now I have time since I'm UNEMPLOYED!!! UGH! That's another subject for another day!!! :)

As of today, this is what I look like. I'll post another pic for each 10 pound loss. Hope I get to post a lot of pics! :)

Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pet Peeves

Do you have pet peeves? I do and I've been wanting to write these particular ones for a while. I think we should start a book of pet peeves or maybe another name for it would be Social Etiquette in Public.

1. Grocery Store Etiquette - I can't stand it when I'm in the line paying and the person behind me is, I mean, like right behind me or right beside me waiting for their turn to pay. It makes me want to turn to them and say, "Hey, could you get out of my space and give me some breathing room." I feel like I'm being rushed, if you know what I mean....

2. Another Store etiquette is when the cashier rushes you off before you can even get all your bags and change/credit card put away just so they can move on to the next customer. What's your hurry? you are there until the end of your shift anyway.... In this economy, I think Customer Service should be upmost in all of our minds, right?

3. Elevator Etiquette - While waiting for an elevator you should stand aside until everyone gets off and then enter the elevator. Don't stand directly in front of the elevator because that is irritating to the people getting off the elevator.

4. Computer keyboards that mess up and keys stop working. Like mine right now...the "y" doesn't work so I have to cut and paste and some other keys aren't working, too. It slows me down.

Okay, these are some of my pet peeves. Just had to get these into the open.... I know it sounds negative but I was just thinking about it today so I thought I would put this in today's blog. I promise my next blog will be more uplifting....

Hope everyone has a great afternoon.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Okay, so I'm just starting this. Not much to say today but I will have more in the next few days. Gotta get my thoughts together.....:)

It's a beautiful day! Not too hot. It actually feels cool outside. But, the hot weather is on the way! I'm in Texas, after all so I'm just waiting for the weather to change! I don't like the really hot weather but I prefer it to blizzard conditions!!! :) Like I've ever lived where they have blizzard conditions....I've always lived in Texas! And, isn't everybody wanting to get to Texas as soon as they can???? Just kidding....:)

Well, just wanted to get started with this blogging thing so I'll write more in the next few days. Got some errands to run, etc., so I'll be back on later.
